The Great Whale Shark

When most people talk about their favorite animal it’s usually a Lion, Dog, or maybe even a Panda (according to my roommate). For me it has always been the magnificent Whale Shark. I can’t pin point when exactly I deemed it my favorite animal, but I definitely know why. Ranging from 18 to almost 45 feet these massive creatures are the second largest fish in the world, and are ironically the most peaceful. Through the use of “filter-feeding” the Whale Sharks diet mainly consists of plankton. They prefer warmer waters so they migrate in all of the tropical ocean, and can live anywhere from 60 to 100 years. Beautiful white spot and stripes decorate the Whale Sharks body as it guides smoothly through the ocean.

Unfortunately, in the recent years Whale Sharks have been endangered to do suffocation by fishing nets not intended for them and slaughter in Asia. Organizations such as and work to bring awareness to Whale Sharks condition and travel the world to keep them safe. I’d really like to work first hand with either of these organizations one day. I encourage everyone to look into it, and volunteer if able. Every little bit counts and I’d like for my children and grandchildren to know the Whale Shark as it is, not what it was.

This entry was published on December 1, 2011 at 2:26 am and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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